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covid policy

Wild Space Covid Policy


Following Forest School principles, we allow children to guide themselves in their learning and avoid imposing rules on them where possible. We spend our days outdoors in nature, where transmission of coronavirus is less likely than indoors.


Young children are unlikely to be able to socially distance themselves from others and we would not expect them to. 


The steps outlined below should enable us to operate with the likelihood of virus transmission low.


Unwell Individuals


Anyone who has, or is showing symptoms of, coronavirus (a new continuous cough, or fever, or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)), or has someone in their household who is, they should not be in a childcare setting. They should stay at home, in line with the guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection.


Any child or staff member who develops the above symptoms while at Wild Space will be sent home immediately. They will be advised to get tested for Covid-19. While waiting to be collected, a child with symptoms will be moved away from the other children (at least 2m) to wait in a safe place under supervision of an adult.


If somebody tests negative, they can return to our setting.


Hand Washing


We will encourage everybody to wash their hands regularly and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. We will also have hand sanitiser available for use. We will sing hand washing songs as we usually do to encourage the children. We will bring water and soap for hand washing in the outdoors using our pump flasks and extra water containers. We will use paper towels for drying hands. Everyone will need to wash their hands on arrival at Wild Space, after using the toilet, before and after eating, and after sneezing or coughing.


Respiratory Hygiene


We will try to encourage the children to avoid touching their face and putting their fingers in their mouths as much as is reasonable. We will have tissues and wipes available to use, and a rubbish bag for them to be disposed of. Hands will be washed after use of tissues.




We will take extra care to make sure that we regularly clean our toilet tent, hand wash pump, water container, and any other equipment used by the children.

We will not be using our own cups for drinks. Please ensure you send your child with their own drink container each day.


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